Our product offerings include:
Digital Dining Restaurant Software
DIGITAL DINING is a very rich, robust product which is surprisingly easy to use and includes frequency, time and attendance, report writers in Crystal, XML and Excel, accounts receivable, delivery, quick service, drive-thru, bar service and table service all in one powerful application. DIGITAL DINING also offers Reservations, Table Management, Wait List Management, Labor Scheduling, Inventory, Gift Cards, and High Speed Credit Cards, including American Express Split IP. For multi-store management, DIGITAL DINING has a full compliment of multi-store corporate solutions without any recurring monthly payments.
Microsoft "RMS" Retail Software
Samsung Electronic Cash Registers
Hardware Installation & Support
Security Camera Systems
On-site training, and Consulting
CCI Tech's strategic advantage comes from over 20 years of experience deploying
solutions and supporting systems for businesses large and small.

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